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. 2020 Oct 15;3:133. doi: 10.1038/s41746-020-00339-7

Table 3.

Study characteristics for indicated prevention studies.

Citation Country Study Design Comparator(s) Population Age range Type of intervention Setting Condition
Sethi51 Australia RCTa Face-to-face CBTb, intervention only, combination Young adults with mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety 18–25 yearsc CBT and psychoeducation Multiple Depression and anxiety
Robinson et al.52 Australia Pilot n/ad Students at risk of suicide 14–18 years CBT and psychoeducation Multiple Suicidal ideation
Robinson et al.53 Australia Pilot n/a Students at risk of suicide 14–18 years CBT and psychoeducation Multiple Suicidal ideation
Hetrick et al.54 Australia RCT Treatment as usual Students at risk of suicide 15–19 years CBT and psychoeducation Multiple Suicidal ideation, depression and anxiety
Stasiak et al.55 New Zealand Pilot RCT Computerised attention placebo and psychoeducation Adolescents with mild to moderate depression 13–18 years CBT and psychoeducation School Depression
Poppelaars et al.60 Netherlands RCT Op Volle Kracht (offline intervention), SPARX, OVK + SPARX and a monitoring control Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 11–16 years CBT Home Depression
Lucassen et al.61 New Zealand Pilot n/a Sexual minority youth with elevated depression symptoms 13–19 years CBT Multiple Depression
Smith et al.62 UK RCT Wl Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 12–15 years CBT School Depression
March et al.63 Australia Pilot n/a Adolescents with elevated anxiety symptoms 7–17 years CBT Home Anxiety
Eisen et al.64 USA Pilot n/a Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 14–21 years CBT and interpersonal psychotherapy Home Depression
Gladstone et al.65 USA RCT Motivational interview and brief advice Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 14–21 years CBT and interpersonal psychotherapy Multiple Depression
Ip et al.66 Hong Kong RCT Anti-smoking website Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 13–17 years CBT and interpersonal psychotherapy Home Depression
Kramer et al.67 Netherlands RCT Wl Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 12–22 years Solution-focused based therapy Home Depression
Rickhi et al.68 USA Pilot RCT Control Adolescents with elevated depression symptoms 14–22 years Spirituality Home Depression
Sportel et al.69 Netherlands RCT School delivered CBT, internet CBMe, and control Adolescents with elevated anxiety symptoms 12–15 years Cognitive bias modification Home Anxiety

aRandomised controlled trial.

bCognitive behavioural therapy.

cYears of age.

dNot available.

eCognitive bias modification.