Table 4.
* One scale (MoVac-flu scale) was used for following determinants: knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy. The following symbols are used: x applicable; = no significant difference; ↑ significant positive association (tested by multivariate analysis); ↓ significant negative association (tested by multivariate analysis); ↑ significant positive association (tested by chi-square, univariate analysis or correlation coefficient); ↓ significant negative association (tested by chi-square, univariate analysis or correlation coefficient); ↓↑ significant association, for one vaccine positive, for the other negative; (double caret pointing upwards) significance was not tested, but determinant was positively linked to vaccination uptake in ≥50% of the population; (double caret pointing downwards) significance was not tested, but determinant was negatively linked to vaccination uptake in ≥50% of the population; ⌃ (caret pointing upwards) significance was not tested, but determinant was positively linked to vaccination uptake in ≥10% of the population; ⌄ (caret pointing downwards) significance was not tested, but determinant was negatively linked to vaccination uptake in ≥10% of the population. pRisk = perceived risk. pRisk of infection (S/P): S = self; P = patient. The following abbreviations are used (in alphabetical order): CD = Crohn’s Disease; DTP = diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis; GP = general practitioner; HAV = hepatitis A virus; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HCW = healthcare workers; HIV = human immunodefiency virus; HSCT = hematological stem cell transplantation; HZV = herpes zoster virus; IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; IS = immunosuppressants; JE = Japanese encephalitis; Men = meningococcal disease; MMR = measles, mumps, rubella; Pneu = pneumococcal disease; Tdap = tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis; SOT = solid organ transplantation; VFR = travellers visiting friends and relatives. VZV = varicella zoster virus, YF = yellow fever.