Figure 4.
Comparative expression levels of eGFP based on interaction between WSSV ie1 and LvYY1. (A) Sf-9 cells were infected with the same titer of recombinant baculovirus. Fluorescence microscopy showed expression of eGFP under WSSV ie1 promoter and LvYY1 at different time points post-infection (magnification, 100×). (B) Total proteins were extracted at different time points post-infection, and subjected to Western blot analysis for eGFP and LvYY1 expression. GP64 served as internal reference (Supplemental Materials). (C) The ratios of band intensity of eGFP to Gp64. Data represented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. ** p < 0.01, unpaired Student’s t-test.