Mutations to Viral BCL2 protein (vBCL2) residues far away from binding groove significantly impact binding of BECN1 BH3 domain. (A) Distance variation of Phe48 with Tyr52 in the 2ABO-apo (black), 3DVU-apo (orange), and 3DVU-holo (green) simulations. Note that the increase in the flexibility for Phe48 when BECN1 BH3D is removed from the binding site. (B) Distance fluctuations of the C atoms of Tyr52, Tyr56 and Tyr60 for the three simulations. While Tyr52-Tyr56 interaction in the 3DVU-apo simulation remains stable, a small segment of the simulation (from 0.2–0.4 s) indicates a partial unfolding in this region, sampling distances observed in the 2ABO-apo simulations. Tyr56-Tyr60 interaction on the other hand is stable in both the apo- and holo-M11 simulations, but undergoes dynamic fluctuations in the 3DVU-apo simulations. (C) Distance variation of Ala63 and its hydrophobic interactions with Leu74. Observe that upon binding BECN1 BH3D, the fluctuations in the distance between the C atoms of Ala63 and Leu74 increase when compared to the 2ABO-apo and 3DVU-apo simulations. (D) Hydrophobic interactions between Phe17, Phe92, and Ile41 quantified by the angle distributions of their respective side-chains. Up to three standard deviation intervals from the mean value of the values are depicted using respective color schemes that are described for the three simulations. For the Phe17-Ile41 side chain interaction, note that the 2ABO-apo simulations only sample a narrow range of angles; the 3DVU-holo and 3DVU-apo simulations sample additional states not seen in the 2ABO-apo simulations. For the Phe17-Phe92 interaction, there is overlap between the apo- and holo-M11 simulations, but the 3DVU-apo and 3DVU-holo simulations sample additional states not seen by the 2ABO-apo simulations.