Photomicrographs of H&E-stained pancreatic sections. Control sections (a–c). (a) The pancreas of these groups consists of several adjacent lobules (L) of variable sizes and shapes separated by thin septa (zigzag arrows) containing blood vessels (crossed arrow). Pale pink oval islets of Langerhans (I) are also seen. (b) The lobules exhibit tightly packed acini (A) with narrow lumina occupied by small centroacinar cells with oval nuclei (thick arrow). The cells of the acini are pyramidal in shape with rounded, basal, and vesicular nuclei (arrow). The cytoplasm of them shows basal basophilia (tailed arrow) and apical acidophilic zymogen granules (curved arrow). (c) The islets of Langerhans (I) are present among the pancreatic acini (A) and formed of β cells (β) in the center of the islets and peripheral α cells (α) with pale cytoplasm and rounded vesicular nuclei disconnected by blood capillaries (crossed arrow). Sodium valproate (VPA) treated pancreatic sections (d–f). (d) Widening of the interstitial tissue (asterisk) between the lobules (L) is noticed. (e) Many acinar cells show pyknotic nuclei (arrows), vacuolated cytoplasm (V), and ballooning of some cells (B). Acidophilic fibrillar cytoplasm is seen in some acinar cells (arrow head). (f) The islets of Langerhans (I) are present among the pancreatic acini (A) and show pyknotic nuclei (arrows) with ballooning (B) and vacuolation (V) of the cytoplasm of α (α) and β (β) cells. VPA and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) treated pancreatic sections (g–i). (g) The pancreas of this group consists of several adjacent lobules (L) separated by thin septa (zigzag arrows) containing blood vessels (crossed arrow) and islets of Langerhans (I) (h) The lobules exhibit many closely packed acini (A) with narrow lumina. The lumen of the acini is occupied by centroacinar cells with oval nuclei (thick arrow). The cells of the acini are pyramidal in shape with rounded, basal, vesicular nuclei (arrow) its cytoplasm has basal basophilia (tailed arrow) and apical acidophilic zymogen granules (curved arrow). Vacuolated cytoplasm (V) is seen in some acinar cells. (i) The islets of Langerhans (I) are present in between the pancreatic acini (A) and formed of β cells in the center of the islets (β) and peripheral α cells (α) disconnected by blood capillaries (crossed arrow).