Viral control of the membrane damage response. Top: endocytosed adenoviruses partially uncoat and release the membrane lytic capsid protein VI for endosomal membrane lysis. Membrane damage is sensed by galectins 3 and 8. Galectin 8 recruits autophagic receptors and triggers autophagy. Adenoviruses stall autophagy through a short PPxY peptide motif in protein VI that recruits the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4.2. As a consequence, they avoid degradation and escape into the cytoplasm. Bottom: After endocytosis and acidification of the endosome, picornaviruses undergo conformational changes to expose capsid protein VP1 and release of VP4. Both proteins attach to the endosomal membrane creating membrane-penetrating pores. Membrane damage is then independently sensed by galectin 8 activating autophagy and PLA2G16. PLA2G16 facilitates genome translocation into the cytoplasm preventing autophagic clearance. See Section 2 and Section 3 for further details. Abbreviations: Gal, galectin; NDP52, Nuclear dot protein 52; Nedd4.2, neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4.2; PLA2G16, phospholipase A2 group XVI.