Figure 2.
Graphical timeline of the clinical evolution of the 21 children with symptomatic COVID-19. Medical status was determined daily for each patient from the onset of symptoms (day 0) until discharge home and scored from 0 to 4: 1 = presence of symptoms, 2 = hospital admission, 3 = oxygen therapy, 4 = ventilatory support (non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or mechanical ventilation) and 0 = discharge. The data are the mean of the daily medical status scores in each age group (<2 years old in blue and >10 years-old in red) from the onset of symptoms. Error bars show standard deviations. As only one patient showed symptoms in the 2–10-year-old group, this age group is not represented in this figure. This figure illustrates that in the youngest patients, the disease is symptomatic at the onset but has a rapid positive outcome, whereas, in older children, the severity subsequently increases, sometimes requiring intensive care and longer hospitalizations.