116E–Rotavac® |
ACIP = US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices |
AD = any dose |
AGE = acute gastroenteritis |
AGMKC = African green monkey kidney cells |
ARD = acute rotavirus diarrhoea |
BCG = Bacille Calmette-Guérin |
BRV = bovine rotavirus |
BRV-PV = bovine rotavirus pentavalent vaccine |
CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CEMR = cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction |
CMPKEC = Cynomolgus monkey primary kidney epithelial cells |
COVID-19 = coronavirus disease (discovered in 2019) |
D = dose |
DALY = disability-adjusted life year |
DLP = double-layered particle |
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid |
DPT = Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus same as DTaP or DTP |
dsRNA = double-stranded ribonucleic acid |
EE = environmental enteropathy |
EED = environmental enteric dysfunction |
EPI = Expanded Programme on Immunisation |
ESPGHAN = European Society for Paediatric, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition |
ESPID = European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases |
EV = emergency visit |
FBKC = foetal bovine kidney cell |
FD = full doses |
FFU = focus-forming unit |
FUT = fucosyltransferase gene |
GalNAc = N-acetylgalactosamine |
GAVI = Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation |
GE = gastroenteritis |
GMC = geometric mean titre |
GRSN = Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network |
GSK = Glaxo SmithKline (formerly Glaxo Wellcome) |
HBGAs = histo-blood group antigens |
HICs = high income countries |
HMICs = high-middle income countries |
IgA = immunoglobulin A |
IPV = inactivated polio vaccine |
IS = intussusception |
ITT = intention-to-treat |
ITTP = intention-to-treat population |
LAORoVs = live-attenuated oral rotavirus vaccines |
Le = Lewis factor |
LICs = low income countries |
LMICs = low-to-middle income countries |
LRTI = lower respiratory tract infection |
MenAV = Meningococcal A conjugate vaccine |
MICs = middle income countries |
mRNA = messenger ribonucleic acid |
MRV = Measles-Rubella Vaccine |
MV = Measles vaccine |
NCDV = Nebraska Calf Diarrhoea Virus |
NGO = non-governmental organisation |
NIH = National Institute of Health |
NIP = National Immunisation Program |
NSP = non-structural protein |
NSP1 = interferon antagonist |
NSP2 = NTPase |
NSP3 = translational enhancer |
NSP4 = enterotoxin |
NSP5/6 = phosphoprotein |
OPV = oral polio vaccine |
ORF = open reading frame |
ORS = oral rehydrating solution |
PAHO = Pan American Health Organisation |
PATH = Program for Appropriate Technology in Health |
PCVs = porcine circoviruses |
PKC = porcine kidney cell |
PPP = per-protocol population |
REST = rotavirus efficacy and safety trial |
RIX4414 = Rotarix® |
RNA = ribonucleic acid |
RoV = rotavirus vaccine |
RoVE = rotavirus vaccine effectiveness |
RoVs = rotavirus vaccines |
RRV-PV rhesus rotavirus pentavalent vaccine |
RRV-TV = rhesus rotavirus tetravalent (RotaShield®) |
RTI = respiratory tract infection |
RV1 = Rotarix® |
RV4 = RotaShield® |
RV5 = RotaTeq® |
RVD = rotavirus diarrhoea |
RVGE = rotavirus gastroenteritis |
RVI = rotavirus infection |
RVIs = rotavirus infection |
RV-VLPs = rotavirus virus-like particles |
SAGE = Strategic Advisory Group of Experts |
SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 |
SGE = severe gastroenteritis |
SLP = single-layered particle |
SRVD = severe rotavirus diarrhoea |
SRVGE = severe rotavirus gastroenteritis |
TLP = triple-layered particleUN = United Nations |
UNICEF = United Nations Children’s Fund (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) |
VE = vaccine effectiveness |
VP = viral protein |
VP1 = RNA-dependent RNA polymerase |
VP2 = core protein |
VP3 = methyltransferase-guanylyltransferase |
VP4 = spike-like protease-sensitive neutralising antigen |
VP6 = inner capsid |
VP7 = glycosylated neutralising antigen |
VP8* = sialic-binding protein |
VSRVGE = very severe rotavirus gastroenteritis |
WHO = World Health Organisation |
WUENIC = WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage |
YFV = Yellow fever vaccine |