Figure 2.
YB-1 depletion results in failure of Chromosome Passenger Complex (CPC) recruitment to the cleavage furrow. (a) Examples from live cell imaging of an A549/F cell treated with si-Ctrl and forming a stable cleavage furrow (left panel) or si-YB-1 and forming a twisted cleavage furrow (right panel). Images were acquired with a 20× objective. (b) Quantitation of normal versus twisted cleavage furrows in A549/F, HT1080/F, 6TG/F and IIICF/c/F cells treated with either control siRNA (si-Ctrl) or targeting YB-1 (si-YB-1). Twenty cells were counted for each condition. Significance was determined using Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact test. p < 0.05 was considered to be significant. **** p < 0.0001. (c) Enrichment of YB-1 at the cleavage furrow in A549 cells. (d,e) A549 cells were treated with either an si-Ctrl (top row) or an si-YB-1 (bottom row) and subsequently immunostained with antibodies against (from left to right) α-tubulin (cyan), YB-1 (red), AURKB (green), CAPZA1 or MSN (magenta) together with a merged image of all four. (d) Accumulation of CAPZA1 to the cleavage furrow and (e) accumulation of MSN to the cleavage furrow. (c–e) Images were acquired using a 60x oil-immersion objective.