Fig. 4. LAADF-STEM images showing the microstructure of precipitate-free zones (PFZ’s) after HCF deformation.
a–c PFZ’s of high cycled fatigue (HCF) treated under aged (UA) samples for AA2024 (a), AA6061 (b), and AA7050 (c). AA2024 was fatigued at 185 MPa for 3.5 × 106 cycles, AA6061 was fatigued at 120 MPa for 4 × 106 cycles, and AA7050 was fatigued at 175 MPa for 8 × 106 cycles. d–f High-magnification LAADF-STEM images showing nanoprecipitates existing in PFZ’s pointed out in a–c. Corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT) patterns inserted in d, e reveal diffraction from nanoprecipitates (pointed by yellow color hollow arrows). The electron beam direction was parallel to <100>Al in a, b, d, e and parallel to <110>Al in c, f.