Disease interaction |
Clinical questions |
Drug development needs |
How is the natural history of CD affected by COVID-19?
Can the cytokine storm trigger reactivation of parasitemia?
Does the cytokine storm trigger disease progression?
Do viral and parasitic immune response pathways cross react?
Does the chronic inflammatory state of CD lead to more severe COVID-19 disease?
Does the prothrombotic state from both diseases behave synergistically?
What precautions are necessary regarding COVID-19 treatment in CD patients?
What are the hemodynamic and arrhythmic risks of COVID-19 in patients with CCC?
What is the impact of delaying CD treatments during COVID-19 infection?
What is the impact of delays in access to CD diagnosis and cardiac evaluation?
What is the impact of possible health system collapse on quality of care of CD patients with symptomatic disease?
What are the antiviral effects of antiparasitic drugs for CD (BZN and NFX)?
Can anti-inflammatory drugs improve host response to COVID-19 and complement antiparasitic treatment of CD?
Can allopurinol or colchicine help delay or avoid complications for both diseases?
Is full anticoagulant therapy useful for COVID-19 [89] and CD [90]?
Could CV CD treatments such as amiodarone treat COVID-19?