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. 2020 Jun 26;2(2):fcaa086. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa086


Demographic and neuropathological characteristics of Alzheimer's disease and HC cases that were selected for the analysis of hippocampal specimens

Subjects Gender Age at death (years) PMD (hours) pH CSF Brain weight (g) Braak level
1 (AD) M 82 5.15 6.34 1182 5
2 (AD) F 84 5.55 6.42 1017 5
3 (AD) F 88 6.45 6.5 1148 5
4 (AD) F 91 6.25 6.05 1026 4
5 (AD) M 90 5.55 6.37 1080 4
6 (AD) M 91 4.1 6.28 1117 4
7 (AD) F 86 4.10 6.34 1083 4
8 (AD) M 81 4.05 6.42 1253 4
9 (AD) F 86 5.5 6.85 950 4
Mean ± STD 86.56 ± 3.75 5.19 ± 0.92 6.40 ± 0.21 1095 ± 92.24
1 (HC) F 85 6.25 6.6 1080 3
2 (HC) F 89 6.35 6.73 1139 3
3 (HC) F 91 4.1 6.58 1052 3
4 (HC) M 83 5.15 6.6 1372 1
5 (HC) M 80 4.25 6.59 1429 2
6 (HC) M 89 6.5 6.23 1185 2
7 (HC) F 81 6.40 7.16 1164 1
8 (HC) M 80 7.15 5.8 1376 0
9 (HC) F 85 4.40 6.71 1165 2
Mean ± STD 84.78 ± 4.15 5.62 ± 1.15 6.56 ± 0.37 1218± 138.23

AD = Alzheimer’s disease; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; F = female; HC = healthy controls; M = male; PMD = postmortem delay; STD = standard deviation.