Figure 4. The average level and lability of the MAP are lower during the on state compared with the off state in the SHR/WKY strains.
(A, C, and E) The gray solid lines represent the probability density distribution of the total MAP recording. The black solid lines represent probability density distributions of MAP during the on state, whereas the black dashed lines represent probability density distributions of MAP during the off states. The inset figures plot the MAP probability density functions normalized to have unit area for both on- and off-state distributions. The average level of MAP increases with age in the SHR and WKY, as shown in panels A and C. Furthermore, both the mean level and variability in MAP are lower during on states compared with during off states in the SHR and WKY (A and C) but not in the SD (E). The difference in average pressure increases with the progression of hypertension and aging. (B, D, and F) The mean values of the probability distributions of MAP for 8-, 10-, and 15-week SHR, WKY, and SD rats during baroreflex-on and -off states are plotted. Data are shown as mean. Unpaired 2-tailed Student’s t test, ****P < 0.0001.