(A) Schematic of the protocol for the experiments in E–I. (B) Schematic and photomicrograph of coronal section showing AAV-hsyn-hM3Dq-GFP injection into the bilateral VLO. Scale bar: 500 μm for low magnification, 50 μm for high magnification. (C and D) Examples showing that the effects of bath CNO (500 nM) on GFP+ neurons firing in VLO slices from mice injected with AAV-hM3Dq-GFP (C) and AAV-GFP (D). (E–I) Activation of bilateral VLO neurons by chemogenetic manipulation produced an antianxiodepressive effect in EPM and OFT (E–G), FST (H), and TST (I). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, 2-sided Student’s t test; n = 7 (GFP) and 9–10 (hM3Dq).