Figure 4. Ordination analyses.
(A) Non-metric multidimensional scaling plot of sampling sites based on their environmental parameters. Polygons show the connexions of plots from organic (blue) and conventional (red) sites. (B) tb-RDA analysis of the fungal communities and the environmental variables associated with organic (blue) and conventional (red) sampling plots. Using variable selection, three environmental parameters (Nt, St, Pcal) were detected as having a significant effect on the fungal communities, and together accounted for 43.51% of the observed variation. Pcal: with Calcium-Acetate-Lactate extracted Phosphorus, Kcal: with Calcium-Acetate-Lactate extracted Potassium, Nt: Nitrogen total, Ct: carbon total, pH CaCl2: soil pH, St: Sulfur total, Corg: Carbon organic, C/N: Carbon-to-Nitrogen ratio and Humus: humus content.