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. 2020 Oct 17;396(10258):1204–1222. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30925-9

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Annualised rate of change in age-standardised DALY rates for all causes excluding HIV/AIDS, natural disasters, and war and conflict, and SDI by country or territory, for 1990–2010 (A) and 2010–19 (B)

A simple linear regression line is shown in each figure for the relationship between annualised rate of change and the average SDI value of each country and territory for each time period. AFG=Afghanistan. AGO=Angola. ARE=United Arab Emirates. BDI=Burundi. BGD=Bangladesh. BLR=Belarus. BOL=Bolivia. BTN=Bhutan. CHN=China. CIV=Côte d'Ivoire. CMR=Cameroon. COD=Democratic Republic of the Congo. DALY=disability-adjusted life-year. DMA=Dominica. DOM=Dominican Republic. ERI=Eritrea. ETH=Ethiopia. GHA=Ghana. GNB=Guinea-Bissau. GNQ=Equatorial Guinea. GTM=Guatemala. GUM=Guam. IND=India. JAM=Jamaica. KAZ=Kazakhstan. KHM=Cambodia. KOR=South Korea. KNA=Saint Kitts and Nevis. LAO=Laos. LBR=Liberia. LCA=Saint Lucia. LSO=Lesotho. MDA=Moldova. MDV=Maldives. MMR=Myanmar. MOZ=Mozambique. MRT=Mauritania. MWI=Malawi. NER=Niger. NGA=Nigeria. NPL=Nepal. NRU=Nauru. OMN=Oman. PER=Peru. RUS=Russia. RWA=Rwanda. SDN=Sudan. SGP=Singapore. SLE=Sierra Leone. SOM=Somalia. SWZ=eSwatini. TGO=Togo. TLS=Timor-Leste. TUR=Turkey. UKR=Ukraine. UZB=Uzbekistan. VCT=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. VEN=Venezuela. YEM=Yemen. ZAF=South Africa. ZWE=Zimbabwe. SDI=Socio-demographic Index.