Figure 7.
The ER stress response is not activated in coa mutants during the OS growth period. (A) Quantitative PCR of 60-hpf wild-type and coa mutant heads and 48-hpf wild-type embryos treated with DMSO and tunicamycin, using primers for the xbp-1, chop1, and ef1α genes. PCR amplified band images for xbp-1, chop1, and ef1α genes are cropped from the original full-length electrophoretic gel images shown in Fig. S5. The alternative spliced form of xbp-1 and increased chop1 mRNA expression were observed only in tunicamycin-treated embryos. (B) The ratio of the spliced form relative to the non-spliced form of xbp-1 mRNA. We carried out three independent sets of PCR reactions for wild type, coa mutants, DMSO and Tunicamycin treatment. The same set of PCR reactions are connected with the line. The difference of coa mutant heads relative to wild-type heads, and Tunicamycin-relative to DMSO-treated embryos in xbp1 spliced/non-spliced mRNA ratio were evaluated by Ratio paired t-test, two-tailed. p** < 0.01. There was no significant difference between wild type and coa mutants. (C) Ratio of chop1 mRNA relative to ef1α mRNA. The difference of coa mutant heads relative to wild-type heads, and Tunicamycin-relative to DMSO-treated embryos in chop1 mRNA expression were evaluated by Ratio paired t-test, two-tailed. p* < 0.05. There was no significant difference between wild type and coa mutants.