(a or c) Matrix of Pearson’s correlation coefficients between single element in FCMWG or FCMWW and MMSE score, CDR-Global score, CDR-SOB score, FAQ score, ADAS-Cog score, or WMS-LMII score. Each correlation coefficient with PFDR > 0.05 was set to be zero. (b or d) Average of correlation coefficients along each WM tract in a or c. See Table 1 for the lists of WM and GM ROIs. (e) Group means and standard deviations of Z-scores of true neuropsychological scores and predicted scores using RF regression model with all WM FC as initial features. The r, R2 and P in each plot are the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between true scores and predicted scores across all subjects, R-square value and P-value, respectively.