Figure 1.
P53-regulated lncRNAs control diverse biological processes. Active p53 in response to DNA damage or other stimuli transcriptionally regulates the expression of several lncRNAs. LincRNA-p21 interacts with hnRNP K to promote gene repression and p53-mediated apoptosis. DINO stabilizes p53 protein in order to mediate and amplify p53-response. PR-lncRNA1 and PR-lncRNA-10 inhibit cell survival and promote apoptosis. NEAT1 forms nuclear paraspeckles and regulate gene expression to achieve context-specific tumour suppression or proliferation. PANDA exert pro-survival functions by sequestering transcription factor NF-YA away from the promoter of pro-apoptotic genes and recruits SAFA/PRC2 complex on senescence-promoting genes. TUG1 can promote or inhibit cell proliferation depending on cellular context or tumour type. Human and murine orthologues of PINT have distinct functions. LED and PINCR promote p53 activity at a subset of p53 targets by enhancing recruitment of p53 at specific enhancers. LNCPRESS1 is a pluripotency-specific p53-repressed lncRNA that sequesters histone deacetylase, SIRT6 away from promoters of pluripotency genes in order to maintain stemness. NORAD maintains genomic stability by sequestering PUMILIO proteins. GUARDIN stabilizes BRCA1 and increase expression of TRF2 to maintain genomic stability.