Characterization of ATAC-Seq and age-dependent transcription factors (TFs). (A) Classifications of differential accessible chromatin regions in pancreatic cancer. Different colours stand for different signatures, and NA’s stood for peaks that couldn’t be recognized as the above signatures. (B) Identified TFs and their motif coverage. X-axis stands for the percentage of target sequences with motif and y-axis stands for -log10(p-value). (C) Presentation of top six significant TFs and their motifs. (D) Venn plot illustrating the common parts of identified TFs and MEF DEGs, as age-dependent TFs, potentially functioning in both cellular senescence and pancreatic cancer. (E, F) Differential expressions of Klf5 (E) and Foxa1 (F), two TFs in the common parts in D. Klf5 was significantly downregulated and Foxa1 was significantly upregulated in senescent MEFs.