Figure 4.
LINC00511 could bind with miR-324-5p in cervical cancer cells. (A) The relative luciferase activity of LINC00511 in CaSki cells after transfected with miRNAs mimics. (B) The predicted targeting sites between LINC00511 and miR-324-5p. (C) Dual-luciferase reporter assay was carried out to examine the relative luciferase activity in HEK293T cells after indicated transfection. (D) RIP assay was used to verify the association of LINC00511 and miR-324-5p with Ago2 in CaSki cells. (E) Expression of miR-324-5p in CaSki and C33A cells after LINC00511 was silenced. (F) Expression of miR-324-5p in cervical cancer (n = 19) and paracancerous (n = 19) tissues. (G) Correlation of LINC00511 and miR-324-5p expression in cervical cancer tissues. *P<0.05, **P<0.01.
Abbreviations: NC, cells transfected with siRNA-control; si-LINC00511, cells transfected with siRNA-LINC00511; miR-NC, cells transfected with miRNA control; miR-324-5p mimics, cells transfected with miR-324-5p mimics.