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. 2020 Oct 17;13:100258. doi: 10.1016/j.ijans.2020.100258

Table 1.

Evidence of CPD status in 46 WHO Afro-region member states.

Framework in place Inception year Operational Framework Controlled by regulatory body Voluntary or mandatory Licensure requirements
Anglophone countries (n = 21)
Botswana (Gross et al., 2015) Yes NE Yes Nursing and Midwifery Council of Botswana Mandatory NE
Eswatini (Swaziland) (AHPRC, 2016, Gross et al., 2015) Yes NE Yes Swaziland Nursing Council Voluntary 10 CPD points (p.a. (1 hr = 1point)
Ethiopia (Kelley et al., 2017) Yes NE NE NE NE NE
Ghana (NMCG, 2016) Yes 2020 Yes Nursing & Midwifery Council of Ghana Mandatory 10–20 CPD points p.a. for renewal according to qualification.
Kenya (Gross et al., 2015, Kelley et al., 2017, Mosol et al., 2017) Yes 2008 Yes Nursing Council of Kenya Mandatory 20 h p.a. for licensure renewal every 3 years
Lesotho (Hosey et al., 2016, Kelley et al., 2017) Yes 2011 Yes Lesotho Nursing Council Mandatory 12 CPD points p.a.; renewal evidenced through log book from LNC
Liberia (Michel-Schuldt et al., 2018) Yes 2017 piloted Pilot programme Liberian Board of nursing and Midwifery Voluntary 2 credit points, 20 contact hrs. biannually
Malawi (Hosey et al., 2016, Nursing and Midwives Council of Malawi, 2016, Nursing and Midwives Council of Malawi, 2019) Yes 2016 Yes Nursing and Midwifery Council of Malawi Mandatory 25–40 CPD points p.a. per qualification level - log book verified on licence renewal
Mauritius (Hosey et al., 2016) Yes NE NE NE NE NE
Namibia (HPCNA, 2011, Leuning et al., 2016) Yes 2010 Yes Health Professions Councils of Namibia Mandatory 30 CEU, 5 medical law, ethics, human rights
Nigeria (Ingwu et al., 2019) Yes 2010 Yes Nursing & Midwifery council of Nigeria Mandatory 60 CEU contact hrs (30 from nursing & midwifery).in 3 yr. licensure cycle.
Seychelles (Hosey et al., 2016, Kelley et al., 2017, SN&MC, 2020) Yes NE NE Seychelles Nursing & Midwifery Council Mandatory CPD points NE
Mandatory content incorporates HIV certification
Sierra Leone NE NE NE NE NE NE
South Africa (SANC, 2018, SANC, 2019, Viljoen et al., 2017) Yes 2016 No, but pilot test in 2 povinces South African Nursing Council Voluntary 15 CPD points p.a. divided into 5 thematic areas linked to annual renewal of licensure
Tanzania (Gross et al., 2015, Kelley et al., 2017, TNMC, 2019, Viljoen et al., 2017) Yes NE Yes Tanzania Nursing & Midwifery Council Mandatory 30 CPD in 3 yr. cycle for licence renewal
Uganda (Hosey et al., 2016, UNMC, 2016) Yes NE Yes Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council Mandatory Yes, 50 CPD credits, 3 yr. cycle for renewal
Zambia (Nurses Council of Zimbabwe, 2020, Gross et al., 2015, Kelley et al., 2017) Yes NE No, but piloted CPD tracking system General Nursing Council of Zambia Mandatory 20 CPD p.a. and keep CPD log book
Zimbabwe (Gross et al., 2015, Kelley et al., 2017; NCZ, n.d.) Yes NE Yes Nursing Council of Zimbabwe Mandatory 12 credit-hour system p.a.
Francophone countries (n = 20)
Only evidence of Rwanda from 20 Francophone countries(HPCR, 2013, Kasine et al., 2018) Yes 2013 Yes Health Professional Councils of Rwanda Mandatory 60 CPD points in 3-year cycle
Lusophone countries (n = 5)
Only evidence of Mozambique from 5 Lusophone countries (Hosey et al., 2016). No, but ARC provided guidance NE NE NE NE NE

Key: CEU = Continuing Education Unit; CPD = Continuing Professional Development; hrs. = hours; NE = Not evident in published, grey literature or professional body web-site.