Fig. 5. Reproducible pattern of RNA editing levels in embryonic mouse brain development.
A-to-I RNA editing levels in evolutionary conserved coding editing sites in the brains of healthy mouse embryos during brain development (n = 4 for days 11.5–17.5, n = 3 for days 10.5 and 18.5). Levels of RNA editing from PolyI:C (n = 8) and control (n = 11) mice from the MIA model are indicated on GD10 when the brains were sequenced. The top four recoding editing sites that showed the largest change in editing levels in the MIA model are a COG3 (chr14:75719719), b DACT3 (chr7:16885347), c BLCAP (chr2:157558110), and d BLCAP (chr2:157558140). Editing level is indicated only when sufficiently expressed (see “Methods”). All values are means ± SEM. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.