Figure 6.
Cross-correlations of clinically significant diffusion MRI metrics and estimated susceptibility distortion parameters (a), K-means clustering of diffusion MRI metrics identified using step-wise linear regression (b) and reproducibility of diffusion MRI metrics over investigated protocols (c). Parameter names consists of 3 parts: (1) FA/f1/MD/d name of the diffusion MRI metric; (2) w/g/wg C3–C6 white matter, gray matter, white matter–gray matter difference respectively; (3) M median, m mean, S standard deviation, SK skewness, K kurtosis, H heuristic parameter. (a) The last six variables in matrices starting with letter S (e.g. S36M) represent measures of susceptibility artifact effects from three different ROIs (i.e. 36—C3–C6, 3—C3, 56—C5–C6).