eLORETA statistical maps for changes in normalized high-beta (beta 3) current source density ln(j) between the Happy Memories with rtfMRI-EEG-nf and Rest conditions (H vs R) for the experimental group (EG). Top row: views from the top, left, and right, respectively. Bottom row: a view from the bottom, a view of the left hemisphere from the medial plane, and a view of the right hemisphere from the medial plane, respectively. The blue/cyan color values denote reductions in the high-beta current density during the Happy Memories with rtfMRI-EEG-nf conditions relative to the Rest conditions. The maps are projected onto the MNI152 template. The arrows above the colorbar designate the critical threshold from the randomization SnPM procedure. Statistics are summarized in Table 4. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)