Patient flow and cohort creation. aMonths with missing hemoglobin values or hemoglobin values < 0 g/dL or >20 g/dL were excluded from the analysis. The first date of each month with a valid hemoglobin value was defined as a potential index date. bMonths with missing weight values or weight values < 20 kg or >350 kg were excluded from the analysis. Monthly recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) dose was calculated and converted to weekly dose. Hyporesponders were defined as described in the inclusion criteria. dPatients were excluded in this step mainly due to no Part D coverage, fewer than 6 months continuous eligibility before the index date, and Medicare was not the primary payer during the 6-month period. eHereditary hemolytic anemias were identified in the Medicare claims by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis code 282. Abbreviation: ERI, erythropoietin resistance index.