Genetic structure based on SNP data for teosinte samples collected in France combined with available SNP data for Spanish teosintes, wild teosintes populations from Mexico, and cultivated maize accessions (24,544 SNPs and 1,005 individuals). (A) Principal Component Analysis with axes 1 and 2 (12.6% of the variation explained). (B) Population structure and admixture patterns revealed by fastStructure. Each color represents a genetic group and individuals (vertical lines) are partitioned into segments whose length represents the admixture proportions from K genetic groups. Ancestry proportions are shown for K = 3 genetic groups (Top) and K = 11 genetic groups (Bottom). At K = 11, the following nine reference genetic groups were identified in Mexican teosintes and maize: PARV1 (red), PARV2 (dark red), PARV3 (light pink), PARV4 (brown), MEX1 (yellow), MEX2 (gold), TROP (blue), DENT (light green), and FLINT (dark green).