Fig. 3.
Comparison of the effects of mutations in EF-GC3 methyl relaxation dispersion. Comparison of methyl relaxation dispersion data for wild-type (cyan) and mutant (magenta) forms of EF-GC3 bound to FusB for (A and B) EF-GC3 H438P, (C and D) EF-GC3 H438C/G451C, (E and F) EF-GC3 H409K/M479E, and (G and H) EF-GC3 N470D showing EF-GC3 H409K/M479E and N470D have relaxation dispersion curves for residues in domain III that are similar to those in the wild-type protein while the remaining variants show little or no relaxation dispersion for these residues. Data were acquired at 950 MHz, 30 °C, with a relaxation delay of 24 ms. Errors in R2eff were determined through repeated measurement of two data points per experiment. For each experiment, n = 13.