Fig. 1.
MHETase structural analysis. (A) MHETase structure (1.6 Å resolution, PDB ID code 6QZ3) highlighting the catalytic triad, five disulfides (in yellow and gray stick representation), benzoate (purple sticks), and calcium ion (green sphere). The lid domain is dark gray, whereas the hydrolase domain is light gray. Main-chain atoms of the linkage residues Tyr252 and Ala469 are colored lime green (also in B). (B) Close-up of the MHETase active site with benzoate bound; catalytic triad, active site disulfide, Ser416, and Arg411 shown as sticks. (C) The concerted movement of residues Gln410 and Phe415 on ligand binding is illustrated with purple arrows in a superposition of the apo enzyme (yellow) with the ligand bound state (gray). The relative position of benzoic acid is depicted in purple. (D) Structural comparison between MHETase (gray) and PETase (PDB ID code 6EQE, in blue), highlighting regions of alignment in the hydrolase domain. A PET tetramer from a prior docking study (29) is shown in yellow sticks (also in E). (E) Electrostatic potential distribution mapped to the solvent-accessible surface of PETase (29) and MHETase as a colored gradient from red (acidic) at −7 kT/e to blue (basic) at 7 kT/e (where k is the Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, and e is the charge of an electron). PETase is shown with a bound PET tetramer, and MHETase with benzoate bound from the 6QZ3 structure (yellow). The models are drawn to scale and aligned via their catalytic triad demonstrating their relative size difference.