Fig. 1.
Terminal-Tem are a distinct subset of CD8 T cells contained within the conventional Tem population. P14 CD8 T cells were adoptively transferred into congenically distinct recipient mice that were subsequently infected with LCMV. (A) Expression of KLRG1, CD127 (Left), and CD27 (Right) by Tcm (CD62Lhi) and conventional (Conv.) Tem (CD62Llo) within peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) on day 70 of infection. (B) Expression of indicated molecules on P14 PBLs in response to LCMV infection. Frequency of CD127loCD62Llo (highlighted red), CD127hiCD62Llo (highlighted gray), and CD127hiCD62Lhi (highlighted blue) in PBLs following LCMV infection (Bottom). (C) Representative expression patterns of indicated molecules by terminal-Tem, Tem, Conv. Tem, and Tcm. (D) Representative flow cytometry plots demonstrating the frequency of terminal-Tem, Tem, and Tcm in indicated tissues (>30 d postinfection). Splenic red and white pulp localized P14 cells were discriminated by intravascular staining of CD8α. (E) Principal component analysis of the RNA-seq transcriptional profile of splenic terminal-Tem, Tem, Conv. Tem, and Tcm P14 cells on day 55 of infection (Left), and heatmap illustrating differentially expressed genes (≥1.5-fold) ordered through k-means clustering (Top Right) among terminal-Tem, Tem, Conv. Tem, and Tcm, or highlighted key genes (Bottom). Numbers in plots are the frequency of cells in the indicated gate (A–D). All data are from two independent experiments with n = 3 to 5 per timepoint, and RNA-seq samples consist of two biological replicates wherein each replicate is comprised of cells pooled from two mice. Graphs indicate mean ± SEM, and symbols represent an individual mouse (B).