Figure 3.
Self-organizing patterns. (a) Spontaneous stable Turing patterns in a chlorine dioxide–iodine–malonic acid reaction (Peña et al. 2003; reproduced with permission). (b) Ocular dominance stripes in macaque V1 run perpendicular to the V1/V2 border (Sincich & Horton, 2002; reproduced with permission) (c) Ocular dominance stripes in human V1 run perpendicular to the V1/V2 border (Adams et al. 2007; modified with permission). (d) Self-organizing rules lead to ocular dominance columns in a three-eyed frog, even though the frog tectum is normally innervated entirely by only the contralateral eye; scale bars 400 micrometers (Constantine-Paton & Law 1978; reproduced with permission).