Table 1.
Patient Age | Patient Sex | Systemic Features | Mucocutaneous Features | Treatment | Outcome | Reference |
46 | Male | Atypical pneumonia | Mucositis, conjunctivitis | Azithromycin, systemic corticosteroids, supportive care, gentamicin/ dexamethasone eye drops | Complete recovery | Zao et al [19] |
12 | Female | Sore throat, cough, fever | Oral lesions with mucosal sloughing, conjunctivitis, vesicular rash | Azithromycin, acyclovir, IVIG, supportive care | Recovered and re-presented 3 years later with similar symptoms and PCR positive for Chlamydophila pneumoniae | Brazel et al [20] |
8 | Female | Cough and dyspnea 1 week prior, fever | Oral, ocular and vulvar mucositis, mild rash <1% BSA (some atypical targetoid papules) | Levofloxacin, IVIG, supportive care | Gradual improvement followed by recurrence of mucositis 9 months later with positive Mycoplasma pneumoniae and 2 years later with influenza B | Mazori et al [11] |
13 | Male | Fevers, arthralgias, nonproductive cough, rhinorrhea | Pustules, targetoid lesions, pruritis, burning, macules on buccal mucosa, conjunctivitis | Systemic and topical corticosteroids, doxycycline | Significant improvement within 2 days of doxycycline | Chao et al [13] |
13 | Female | Rhinitis, cough, | Erosive oral and genital lesions, conjunctivitis, no cutaneous lesions | Azithromycin later changed to doxycycline, cyclosporine, supportive care | Had a past history of MIRM before this episode, near complete resolution after 6 days of treatment | Li et al [14] |
14 | Female | Sore throat, cough, dyspnea, orthopnea, malaise, diplopia, headache, nausea, vomiting | Oral and vaginal erosions, conjunctivitis | Cyclosporine, azithromycin, supportive care | Complete resolution of oral lesions by 1 week after hospital discharge | Li et al [14] |
4 | Male | Cough, wheezing, fever | Mucositis, erythematous papules with central hemorrhagic crusts as well as targetoid papulovesicles as rash, conjunctivitis | Cyclosporine, azithromycin, supportive care | Near complete resolution after 7 hospital days | Li et al [14] |
20 | Male | Fevers, leukocytosis | Conjunctivitis, oral ulcerations | Azithromycin, IV methylprednisolone transitioned to oral, supportive care | Full recovery in 10 days | Kheiri et al [21] |
10 | Male | Self-limited fever and cough 1 week prior | Ulcerative and hemorrhagic oral ulcers, mild serpiginous eruption on skin | Systemic steroids, clarithromycin, supportive care | Complete resolution in 1 week | Poddighe et al [15] |
11 | Male | Low grade fever, cough, atypical pneumonia | Oral ulcers, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic crusts of nasal mucosa, genital skin sloughing, no rash | Azithromycin, systemic steroids, supportive care | Not noted | Bowling et al [22] |
15 | Male | Fever, decreased appetite 10 days prior, cough, diarrhea, atypical opacities on chest x-ray | Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, diffuse oral and pharyngeal erosions, crust at urethra, rare papulovesicles on skin | Azithromycin, supportive care | Gradual improvement over days | Curtiss et al [16] |
6 | Male | Fever, cough, rhinorrhea, atypical pneumonia | Severe mucositis (oral and penile), small blisters on arms and legs, conjunctivitis | Clarithromycin | Full recover after 1 week | Chowdhury [23] |
8 | Male | Cough, fever, ill-defined opacity on chest x-ray, leukocytosis | Oral erosions, erythema and swelling of penis, scattered erythematous papules and targetoid lesions, conjunctivitis | Ocular care, supportive care, IVIG, clarithromycin | Improved and discharged in 8 days | Santos et al [17] |
42 | Male | Upper respiratory illness | Conjunctivitis, oral and genital erosions, atypical targetoid papules and plaques | Azithromycin, supportive care | Previous history of similar illness as a child, resolution after 1 month with continued oral pain and phimosis | Song et al [18] |
15 | Male | Fever, dry cough | Conjunctivitis, oral erosions, targetoid papules and vesicles on skin | Azithromycin, IVIG | Slow improvement over 1 month with recurrence that resolved with azithromycin, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation | Song et al [18] |
18 | Male | Fever, sore throat, cough | Conjunctival injection, targetoid vesicles on face, torso, and penis, and mucositis over lips and buccal mucosa | Azithromycin, systemic prednisone | Improved at 14-day follow up with only a few shallow erosions remaining in mouth | Sandhu et al [24] |
Abbreviations: BSA, body surface area; IV, intravenous; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; MIRM, M pneumoniae-induced rash and mucositis; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.