Fig. 1. Experimental scheme.
a In-plane static magnetic field is applied and swept along the NZAFO thin film 100 crystalline axis. Microwaves from microstrip antenna drive NZAFO magnetization. Microscope objective focuses continuous green laser onto NV nanodiamond powder and collects red NV fluorescence. b NV energy diagram. The |ms = 0〉 state has higher fluorescence intensity than the |ms = ±1〉 states. Zeeman interaction with the static magnetic field splits the |ms = ±1〉 states. For our experiment, the powder of randomly oriented nanodiamonds leads to a distribution of NV frequencies across the bands indicated in green. c Detection schematic. Amplitude modulated microwaves are applied to the sample, NV fluorescence and microwave transmission are recorded by lockin amplifiers referenced to this modulation during magnetic field sweeps.