Fig. 2. Microwave absorption processes during in-plane magnetic field sweep.
a When the magnetic field is well below the resonance condition microwaves do not efficiently couple to the uniform FMR mode and there is no microwave absorption. b When the magnetic field becomes close to the resonance condition, strong microwave drive can couple to the uniform mode FMR. In this process two microwave photons are absorbed at ωMW, giving two uniform mode magnons at ωMW with k = 0 (white circles) which then decay to a counterpropagating pair of magnons with the same energy, but nonzero-k (solid black circles). The microwave intensity threshold for this process is lowest for the spinwave branch. The magnetic field range for which this process occurs is microwave power dependent, resulting in a lineshape change at high microwave powers. c On resonance, the typical microwave excitation of uniform mode precession occurs. d When the magnetic field exceeds the resonance condition there is no microwave absorption due to an absence of available magnon states at the microwave drive frequency.