Cavity-enhanced photorelaxation mechanism of
uracil. (a) Integrated S2 population during
the uracil photorelaxation
in the presence (yellow) and absence (blue) of a cavity. The total
area estimates the probability to incur photodamage. (b) Best cavity
conditions to optimize the speed-up η of the uracil photorelaxation,
resulting in a more efficient photoprotection. (c) Motion of the WP
center of mass. The background shows the S2 PES, while the black lines identify the seams of intersection between
the states |S2, 0⟩ and |S0, 1⟩, for the optimal values Ωc = 2.8 eV and Ωc = 6.2 eV of the cavity frequencies.
Transfer is maximized if the two states are resonant in the regions
where the WP is slower. In general, the conditions leading to the
most efficient photoprotection are given by a delicate interplay between
cavity frequency, wavepacket velocity, and cavity lifetime.