Figure 1.
Initial MLSFH-MAC sample selection, additional enrolments, mortality and sample attrition during 2012 to 2018 Notes: MLSFH-MAC is based in three districts in Malawi: Rumphi in the north, Mchinji in the centre, and Balaka in the South. MLSFH-MAC sampling and related relevant data collection procedures are described in the online supplemental materials. ‘Returning MLSFH-MAC Respondents’ refers to respondents who were interviewed in the current MLSFH-MAC wave, and were eligible but not successfully surveyed in the prior MLSFH-MAC wave (usually because they were temporarily absent). MLSFH-MAC study instruments are summarised in table 3. HIV+, HIV-positive; MLSFH-MAC, Mature Adults Cohort of the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health; Resp., respondents.