Tip position traces for the calculation of endothelial cell’s Young’s modulus. Panel (a) shows representative raw tip position traces as the function of the trap positions, before alignment, obtained from individual cell indentation experiments. After the alignment procedure, the tip positions (b) of the wall approach experiments were averaged for background (red curve), while the cell indentation traces (an example is shown by the green curve) were used individually to calculate indentation and displacement. The error bars on the red trace represent standard deviation. At each trapping beam position, the cell indentation was calculated as the difference between the green and red curves, and the microtool displacement as the difference between the green curve and the trapping beam position (dashed light blue curve). Panel (c) shows a tip position movement parallel (blue) and perpendicular (red) to the trap movement (that is, axis of the microtool) during the tool being pushed against a hard wall. The inset displays the tip movement along the trap progression (blue line) and perpendicular to it (red line).