Table 2.
Metric measures for Eggs (grayscale).
Evaluation Metrics | ECC with Hill Cipher |
ECC with AES | ElGamal with Double Playfair Cipher |
Encryption Time (seconds) | 0.33418 | 2.82401 | 0.18775 |
Decryption Time (seconds) | 0.36932 | 2.75127 | 0.17856 |
Entropy | 7.9434 | 7.99653 | 7.78708 |
Mean Squared Error (MSE) in decrypted image | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
PSNR (dB) | 9.45457 | 9.129 | 9.36168 |
NPCR (%) | 86.91254 | 99.60632 | 94.81812 |
UACI (%) | 26.06152 | 28.90828 | 27.91177 |