Spectrum of Achilles tendon pathology. A) Sagittal short TI inversion recovery (STIR) magnetic resonance (MR) images of the ankle in a 68-year-old man, who heard and felt a pop in posterior ankle while playing tennis, demonstrates full-thickness Achilles tendon rupture with a fluid-filled gap (arrow) located 7 cm proximally to its calcaneal insertion. B) Sagittal STIR MR image in a 40-year-old woman with posterior heel pain for several months shows thickened Achilles tendon, consistent with tendinosis, and superimposed partial-thickness tear (arrow) at calcaneal insertion, associated with retrocalcaneal bursitis (black arrowhead), Achil- les paratendinitis depicted as edema in the Kager’s fat pad (asterisk) and reactive osteitis of calcaneal tuberosity (white arrowhead)