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. 2020 Sep 1;9(20):7590–7600. doi: 10.1002/cam4.3404


Univariate and multivariate regression analyses for ACM after PSM

Characteristic Univariate Multivariate
HR 95% CI P HR 95% CI P
Age 1.025 1.014‐1.036 <.001* 1.021 1.010‐1.033 <.001*
Female Ref. .041* Ref. .054
Male 0.535 0.293‐0.976 0.551 0.300‐1.012
White Ref. .172
Black 1.007 0.610‐1.662 .977
AI 1.127 0.281‐4.528 .866
API 0.463 0.254‐0.844 .012*
Unknown (n = 2)
Marital status
Married Ref. .032* Ref. .100
No 1.315 1.055‐1.639 .015* 1.276 1.015‐1.605 .037*
Unknown 0.536 0.133‐2.154 .379 0.733 0.181‐2.958 .662
Primary tumor site
Trigone of bladder Ref. .813
Dome of bladder 0.804 .470
Lateral wall of bladder 0.780 .269
Anterior wall of bladder 0.416 .101
Posterior wall of bladder 0.741 .257
Bladder neck 0.540 .145
Ureteric orifice 0.597 .334
Urachus (n = 2)
Overlapping lesion of bladder 0.726 0.470‐1.120 .148
Bladder, NOS 0.809 0.541‐1.211 .303
Transitional cell carcinoma Ref. .040* Ref. .084
Squamous cell carcinoma 0.382 0.143‐1.023 .056 0.381 0.141‐1.029 .057
Other types 1.451 0.925‐2.277 .105 1.331 0.796‐2.227 .276
Pathological T stage
T0‐Tis‐Ta‐T1 Ref. <.001* Ref. <.001*
T2 1.656 1.123‐2.442 .011* 1.552 1.051‐2.292 .027
T3 3.307 2.243‐4.875 <.001* 2.584 1.732‐3.854 <.001*
T4 4.520 2.939‐6.951 <.001* 3.718 2.394‐5.774 <.001*
Tx/NA 2.642 0.932‐7.487 .068 0.647 0.135‐3.098 .586
Pathological N stage
N0 Ref. <.001* Ref. <.001*
N1 2.307 1.739‐3.062 <.001* 1.577 1.171‐2.123 .003*
N2 2.885 2.144‐3.882 <.001* 2.401 1.768‐3.261 <.001*
N3 (n = 0)
Nx/NA 2.007 0.947‐4.252 .069 3.284 1.050‐10.270 .041*
Pathological M stage
M0 Ref. .024* Ref. .982
M1 1.970 1.211‐3.206 .006* 0.975 0.571‐1.664 .926
Mx/NA 1.127 0.466‐2.724 .791 0.849 0.128‐5.644 .866
I Ref. .511
II 0.615 0.204‐1.853 .388
III 0.746 0.275‐2.023 .564
IV 0.872 0.325‐2.343 .786
Unknown 0.822 0.275‐2.459 .726
No Ref. .961
Yes 0.956 0.525‐1.743 .884
Others 0.806 0.179‐3.639 .780
Urinary diversion
Ileal conduit Ref. .001* Ref. <.001*
Orthotopic neobladder 0.705 0.576‐0.862 0.671 0.548‐0.823
Adjuvant radiation
No Ref. .002* Ref. .033*
Yes 3.523 1.567‐7.919 2.526 1.080‐5.908
Adjuvant chemotherapy
No Ref. .098
Yes 1.187 0.969‐1.455

Abbreviations: ACM, all‐cause mortality; AI, American Indian/Alaskan Native; API, Asian/Pacific Islander; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; NA, not available; NOS, not otherwise specified; PSM, propensity score matching; Ref., reference.


Statistically significant.