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. 2019 May 2;14(5):1696–1713. doi: 10.1007/s11682-019-00102-x

Table 2.

Activated brain regions for the Voice No Stress minus rest and Voice Stress minus rest conditions in the total sample (n = 13, t = 3.291, uncorrected p = .001, family-wise error corrected p < .05, minimum cluster size 7 voxels)

 Anatomical Region Peak MNI Coordinates Cluster Size in Voxels p value, corrected
x y z
Voice No Stress
 L Precentral g. −54 −9 55 1199 < .001
 L Cerebellum (VI) −33 −72 −22 865 < .001
 R Superior temporal g. 68 −16 13 423 < .001
 L Inferior parietal lobule −51 −72 44 82 < .001
 L Superior parietal lobule −26 −69 48 18 < .01
 R Brainstem 5 −30 −43 15 < .01
 L Precuneus −2 −58 23 14 < .01
 L Fusiform g. −26 −37 −15 11 < .01
 L Caudate n. −16 19 20 11 < .01
 L Middle occipital g. −26 −72 30 9 < .02
 R Cuneus 5 −100 27 9 < .02
 L Middle cingulate g. −2 −16 44 8 < .03
 R Lingual g. 30 −48 −8 7 < .05
 L Cuneus −16 −62 20 7 < .05
 L Medial frontal g. −23 40 16 7 < .05
Voice Stress
 L STG −68 −9 6 657 < .001
 R STG 68 −16 13 519 < .001
 L Cerebellum (VI) −33 −72 −22 290 < .001
 R Inf. occipital g. 26 −90 −22 273 < .001
 R SMA 2 −6 72 97 < .001
 L Angular g. −54 −69 37 28 < .001
 L Middle occipital g. −30 −72 27 18 < .01
 L Inf. temporal g. −47 −51 −26 17 < .01
 L Angular g. −40 −62 30 14 < .01
 Cerebellar vermis 2 −41 2 11 < .01
 L Precuneus −2 −62 27 11 < .01
 L Inf. parietal lobule −30 −51 44 11 < .01
 R Precentral g. (4p) 19 −27 62 10 < .02
 R MCC 5 19 34 9 < .02
 R Cerebellum (VIIa) 47 −72 −29 7 < .05
 R Lingual g. 2 −93 −15 7 < .05
 L ParaHippocampal g. −26 −44 −8 7 < .05
 R Caudate n. 26 −41 20 7 < .05

MCC middle cingulate cortex, MTG middle temporal gyrus, SMA supplementary motor area, STG superior temporal gyrus