Figure 3.
Optogenetic activation of muscles (G7-GAL4, (a)–(c)), several sensory neurons (5-40-GAL4, (d)–(f)), and class IV multidendritic neurons (ppk-GAL4, (g)–(i)) by expression of CsChrimson. (a) Expression of CsChrimson::Venus by G7-GAL4 as observed by antibody staining (green). Magenta represents the motor neuron stained with anti-HRP (horseradish peroxidase), a neuronal membrane marker. Scale bar: 10 µm. (b)–(c) Stimulation of muscles in larvae expressing G7 > CsChrimson. (b) Representative images from video recordings before (left) and after (right) illumination with white light. (c) Normalised larval length for a sequence of 20 s stimulation for each colour and 60 s black period. (d) 5-40-GAL4 drives expression of Chrimson::Venus in the peripheral nervous system consisting of chordotonal (cho) neurons, external sensory (es) neurons, and multidendritic (md) neurons. Scale bar: 50 µm. (e)–(f) Stimulation of all sensory neurons in larvae expressing 5-40 > CsChrimson. Stimulation period: 20 s; black period: 30 s. (g) Using ppk-GAL4, Chrimson::Venus is exclusively expressed in class IV dendritic arborisation (C4da) neurons. Scale bar: 10 µm. (h)–(i) Stimulation of larvae expressing ppk > CsChrimson. (h) Image sequence before (t = 0 s) and after stimulation with white light displaying a characteristic rolling behaviour. (i) Percentage of larvae that were rolling over time. Stimulation period: 20 s; black period: 40 s. N: number of larvae; whiskers: s.e.m.; diamonds: mean. Significance calculated via one-sample two-tailed t-test: ns: not significant (p > 0.05), **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.