Effects of LMX 5mg kg−1 or DMSO vehicle on behavior in male mice the Light-Dark box (a-e) and Elevated Zero Maze (f-j) immediately after restraint stress. F-scores below graphs represent main effects or interactions from Two-Way ANOVAs. p-values (above bars) represent significance levels of post-hoc Holm-Sidak pairwise comparisons. Data presented as individual values and Mean ± SEM, with number of subjects per group as follows: LD box, Vehicle-No Stress n=33, LMX-No Stress n=41, Vehicle-Stress n=34, LMX-Stress n=38. In EZM: Vehicle-No Stress n=23, LMX-No Stress n=23, Vehicle-Stress n=23, LMX-Stress n=23. Track maps show total distance traveled in the (e) LD box and (j) EZM.