Figure 10:
Subthreshold ethanol and ACEA co-exposure during late neurulation (24–27 hpf) alters risk-taking behavior in zebrafish embryos and is rescued by fgf8 mRNA overexpression. Embryos were exposed to ethanol and/or ACEA from 24–27 hpf and then assessed for novel tank diving response at 60–75 days. As controls, embryos were either untreated (Control) or exposed to fgf8 mRNA alone. Altered tank diving response, indicative of increased risk-taking behavior, is only observed for fish exposed to both ethanol and ACEA. Pre-injection of fgf8 mRNA was able to attenuate the risk-taking behavior. Each bar represents the mean distance from the tank floor for one minute (min 1–5). Error bars represent SEM. (**significantly different from control (post-hoc) across all time points analyzed, P<0.001). N≥ 15 per group.