Extended Data Fig. 2. Effect of a single icv injection of FGF1 on Arc PNN assembly in Wistar rats.
Immunofluorescence imaging of Arc PNN CS-GAGs in Wistar rats 24 h after icv treatment with FGF1 (3 μg) or vehicle, where the vehicle treated controls were pair-fed to the FGF1 group. Quantification of the mean fluorescence intensity of PNNs averaged from medial hypothalamic sections for total Arc (Arc-M+L) areas (n=5 rats/group; mean ± SEM). **P < 0.01, compared to icv vehicle controls; Student’s t-test (unpaired, two-sided); (A) p=0.0046. Arc, arcuate nucleus; ME, median eminence; 3V, 3rd ventricle.