Figure 7.
Mapping the phenylpropanoid pathway in D. officinale. (a) Simplified metabolic flow charts describing changes in metabolites, related mRNAs of Pr vs. CK. FCs in mRNA (underlined on right) and metabolites levels (in box) in Pr vs. CK are listed and highlighted by color. Compartments with no color/no values indicate metabolites/mRNAs that were not detected. (b) Delphinidin content in Pr and CK. The error bars show the maximum and minimum of the distributions and circles identify outlying data points (n = 6 biologically independent samples). (c) Quadrant diagrams representing association of metabolomic and transcriptomic variation. The color dots indicate metabolites and/or mRNAs whose abundances were impacted > 1.2-fold and p-value < 0.05. The metabolites and mRNAs are in red and green dots, are positively correlated and have similar consistent patterns, while the metabolites and mRNA shown in orange and blue dots, are negatively correlated and have opposite patterns. Unchanged metabolites and unchanged genes are displayed as gray dots.