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. 2020 Oct 19;10:17605. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74651-3

Table 1.

Firmicutes/Bacteroides ratio along time in PF and AWF groups after FMT.

#13 #16 #18 #22 #24 #37 #41 #43 #44 #46
0 dpft 3.333 2.742 1.429 0.654 1.674 1.449 1.428 1.774 1.693 1.219
8 dpft 2.130 2.029 3.372 1.496 1.000 2.076 1.137 1.192 0.838 1.439
15 dpft NA 3.718 3.962 2.251 1.739 2.003 4.502 3.235 1.160 1.875

NA not available (sample excluded from analysis), PF pig feces group, AWF antibiotic-treated warthog feces group, dpft days post-fecal transplantation.