Figure S4. Bacteria dispersal on fungal colony by flagella.
(A) Time-lapse proliferation of B. subtilis Δhag (green) and A. nidulans (DIC) after 17 h of co-culture. Scale bar: 100 μm. (B) Bright field (left) and green fluorescent (right) images of colonies of B. subtilis (168; WT or Δhag) mono- or co-culture with A. nidulans. Aerial growing hypha at the middle of colony disturb to detect the fluorescent signals in the co-culture. Scale bar: 5 mm. (C) Time-lapse proliferation of B. subtilis (3610; WT) mono- or co-culture with A. nidulans, and B. subtilis (Δhag) monoculture. Scale bar: 100 μm.