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. 2020 Oct 19;18:28. doi: 10.1186/s12963-020-00235-y

Table 5.

Characteristics of female respondents age 15 to 49 and their two closest female confidantes age 15 to 49 in Nigeria; Cote d’Ivoire; and Rajasthan, India

Nigeria Cote d’Ivoire Rajasthan
Respondent Confidante 1 Confidante 2 Respondent Confidante 1 Confidante 2 Respondent Confidante 1 Confidante 2
% N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N
Mean age 29.1 11,106 28.4 5772 28.5 1923 28.5 2738 29.0 1756 27.5 262 29.1 5832 27.7 4911 26.5 1118
 15–19 18.9 2257 19.0 1163 18.1 382 20.1 542 17.9 305 22.4 56 18.5 1116 20.0 1035 22.7 276
 20–24 16.2 1870 19.6 1132 18.7 352 18.1 500 17.9 307 20.9 52 19.6 1153 22.3 1071 23.8 264
 25–29 18.8 2040 18.0 1073 18.7 381 17.9 495 16.0 298 16.4 45 16.7 986 17.6 870 20.0 212
 30–34 15.0 1629 15.3 878 17.4 323 16.3 436 18.3 306 14.4 36 13.6 786 14.0 700 14.3 158
 35–39 13.9 1473 13.1 694 12.7 230 12.8 351 13.6 255 14.0 41 12.8 738 11.3 523 9.2 107
 40–44 10.5 1102 9.3 509 9.6 158 9.4 262 9.4 166 7.9 22 10.9 592 8.6 413 4.9 51
 45–49 6.8 735 5.7 323 4.9 97 5.5 152 6.9 119 4.0 10 7.8 461 6.2 299 5.2 50
 Never 17.5 2355 15.9 1049 16.1 342 45.2 1254 42.8 773 39.3 110 36.8 2187 32.3 1626 28.1 291
 Primary 15.2 1906 11.3 789 8.2 202 25.9 714 20.7 366 19.6 49 24.0 1400 21.4 1064 20.8 226
 Secondary 46.9 4934 46.4 2687 46.3 894 23.0 615 28.2 484 31.4 80 16.5 938 17.9 888 18.9 223
 Higher 20.3 1911 26.3 1345 29.4 508 6.0 152 8.3 134 9.7 23 22.7 1307 28.4 1334 32.2 378
Number of confidantes
 0 45.1 4788 -- -- -- -- 35.8 959 -- -- -- -- 17.1 854 -- -- -- --
 1 35.8 3930 -- -- -- -- 54.3 1,498 -- -- -- -- 65.2 3794 -- -- -- --
 2+ 19.1 1953 -- -- -- -- 9.9 263 -- -- -- -- 17.7 1118 -- -- -- --
Total 100.0 11,106 100.0 5883 100.0 1953 100.0 2738 100.0 1761 100.0 263 100.0 5832 100.0 4912 100.0 1118

Estimates weighted, Ns unweighted; bold indicates p value for design-based F test (reference respondents) less than 0.05