Table 1.
Description of data collection tools used to assess psychological and social morbidity
No. | Data collection tools to assess psychological morbidity | International abbreviation | Original country, author, and date |
1. | Aga Khan University Anxiety and Depression Scale | AKUADS | Pakistan, Ali 1988 [52] |
2. | Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised | CIS-R | USA, Lewis 1992 [53] |
3. | Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale | EPDS | UK, Cox 1987 [54] |
4. | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire | HTQ | USA, Mollica 1992 [55] |
5. | Kessler-10 item psychological distress scale | K-10 | USA, Kessler 2002 [56] |
6. | List of Threatening Experiences questionnaire | LTE-Q | UK, Brugha 1985 [57] |
7. | Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating scale | MADRA | UK, Montgomery 1979 [58] |
8. | Patient Health Questionnaire | PHQ-9 | USA, Spitzer 1992 [59] |
9. | Self-Reporting Questionnaire-(20 Items) | SRQ-20 | WHO, Switzerland, Beusenberg 1994 [60] |
10. | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory | STAI | USA, Spielberger 1983 [61] |
11. | Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition | SCI- DSM IV | USA, American Psychiatric Association 1994 [62] |
12. | WHO version of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale | CES-DR | USA, Radloff 1977 [63] |
13. | Mini-intentional neuropsychological | MINI | USA, Sheehan, 1998 [64] |
No. | Data collection tools to assess social morbidity | International abbreviation | Original country, author, and date |
1. | Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test | AUDIT | WHO, Babor 2001 [65] |
2. | CAGE (Cut-annoyed-guilty-eye) Questionnaire | CAGE | USA, Ewing 1970 [66] |
3. | Maternity Social Support Index | MSSI | USA, Pascoe 1988 [67] |
4. | Social Provisions Scale | SPS | USA, Cutrona 1987 [68] |
5. | HIV-AIDS Stigma Instrumental PHWHA | HASI-P | WHO, Babor 2001 [69] |